In the last many years trucking company owner operators have found themselves within a technological jump where almost all us are trying to learn, understand, and divorce lawyers atlanta of our cases install ELD technology into our trucks. Technology has slowed our delivery time down with ELD and HOS hours Of service Mandate to the point that its effecting the bottom lines on every small trucking company and freight brokerage in America.
These reasons are last decision for most of us this year to force us to start focusing on better paying lanes and less dead head. The fuel prices for national average of diesel continue to elevate and Trucking Company Owners are faced with strategic planning. Another major hit the small trucking company owners today in America is driver shortage. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to find drivers who just don’t quit or over damage your equipment. Because of these important issues today facing us, we must get ready to find alternative measures to place into our business structure to secure more consistent freight and gain higher exposure to more shippers.This is the of a true freight broker who is managing freight lanes for your trucking company. It’s imperative today that we learn how important a trued freight broker is today tiny trucking company owners to build relationships with.
Over the last decade truck companies have been confronted by many new freight broker agents not delivering on their promises and exiting usually by using a one load quick freight load for a $ buck. The influx in freight agents literally sent a trickle affect towards the point that shippers and carriers are having adversity on freight rates for the inconsistency floating around within logistics caused by nonprofessional freight broker agents since late 2008 until asap.
For these reasons carriers find themselves today along with trust issues and overall business ethics that freight broker agents have represented. These types of assumptions are valid because all of us who own trucks have dealt with shady freight brokers. In today’s involving logistics, trucking company owners today can still find many great professional Logistical Service Providers who are skilled and able produce freight lanes.
Overcoming the stigma seeking to understand how the relationship between freight brokers and carriers will never go away, its time more owner operators where open to the idea of truly working with a logistics broker who can understand their truck company and help develop freight lanes on behalf of their truck company’s benefit.
Trucking company owners need to realize that the national average of freight moved in the back of trucks today in America is 70%. This translates that a lot of freight cannot be had by going direct with the shipper. The shippers of America today are connecting to EDI Systems (Electronic Distribution Interchange Technology allows shippers to connect their supply demands to a web network of logistics options within one main system). Within logistics we geeks call this fun and exciting as it facilitates for us to better manage freight lanes and see future forecast within lane dollar figures.
Asset companies s are generally smaller in size get it hard to connect to higher loads or to recreate lanes that they previously lost and keep trucks on the road with less dead head miles and higher rates. A genuine fright broker company be beneficial you over these obstacles and represent you into more solutions through technology that provides real freight loads that pay.
4 Global Corp
12963 W Okeechobee Rd #4, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
(305) 912-9444